Anxiety: Bad Guy or Good Guy?

4 min read Photo: Aaron Blanco Tejedor “Anxiety How do you always get the best of me? I’m out here living in a fantasy I can’t enjoy a goddamn thing Anxiety Why am I never where I am supposed to be? Even with my lover sleeping close to me I’m wide awake and I’m in … Continued

Top Ten Fierce Quotes For Women

With all that has been going down on social media/news outlets these past few weeks, I thought I would put a little love and happiness out to my ladies in the world and who follow this page. I am such a strong believer in the fact that women are some the most extraordinarily amazing beings … Continued

Counting Sheep: Why Sleep is Critical for Good Health

“Sleep is such a luxury, which I can’t afford.” Robin Sikarwar For most people, one of the first sentiments of the day to a partner or to children is asking the simple question, “How did you sleep?” We give a lot of importance to this daily greeting, but if we are unable to say “I … Continued

Pregnancy Massage for Relaxation

For the women out there that are wanting to become a mother, already on their journey to motherhood, and the ones that have had the incredible joy of becoming a mother, this blog is for you. I feel motherhood is one of the most amazing and beautiful chapters that a woman can experience. The structural … Continued

Amara Massage Evidence Informed Resource Library for Self Guided CE

Are you ready to evolve your massage practice or just eager to learn more about science and evidence informed manual therapy practice? Below you will find an ever growing list of resources. Check back regularly for updated and new information!  SELF STUDY GUIDE OUTLINE   Myth Reduction “5 Myths and Truths about Massage Therapy Letting … Continued

Your Body is (probably) Not as Broken as You Think, pt 2

6 min read In my last blog post, I touched on some of the complicated misconceptions about how pain is dealt with in manual therapy professions, as well as the complexities of the pain experience within the structure of the biopsychosocial model of understanding. The biggest thing that I have observed is that as a … Continued

Take A Few Moments For Yourself

I feel like these days (especially with the new year) we tend to start putting more pressure on ourselves to be the “best self” we can be. If this is the case for you, trust me, I’m in the same boat as you are. If it so happens to be trying to get more fit/healthy, … Continued

Homework Post Massage? Why Less is WAY More.

4  minute read Should I stretch after a massage? What exercises should I do? What can I do to get rid of this pain? What postural changes should I make? I get some version of these questions a lot, which is great! It means you are trying to be a more proactive client, advocating control … Continued

Your Body Is (probably) Not as Broken As You Think, Part 1

Have you ever experienced going to a healthcare practitioner, or manual therapist of any sort, and heard someone exclaim any of the following: “You’re probably sitting too much at work, and that’s why your low back is a mess.” “You must be doing something to re-injure your shoulder if it keeps hurting.  Feels like bone-on-bone … Continued

A Window Into our World: A Massage Therapist’s View

4 MINUTE READ I have been a massage therapist for over 11 years.  Considered long enough in most professions to have a solid understanding of the foundational experiences that are required on a day to day basis. I would like to give you some insight on what a massage therapist may be pondering about while … Continued